Interested in optimizing your approach to digital dentistry? Learn more about the workflows, products, and technology changing the dental world. Paramount Dental Studio's Education Hub has downloadable guides, product deep dives, best practice recommendations, and more to help you advance your practice.
Want to learn more? Sign up for an Office Hours session to go over your lab work and chairside questions with our experts.
Paramount is donating the proceeds of all Pink Occlusal Guard orders this October to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Paramount Dental Studio's Smile Design services can transform your patient's smile. See how Dr. Geoffrey Skinner of Hillsboro Dental Excellence used a multi-disciplinary approach with the help of Paramount…
Our extraoral scanning tips will help you gain all the benefits of going digital, even for cases that can’t be scanned intraorally…
Learn more about different support and guidance types, CBCT tips, and Paramount’s surgical guide workflow
Occlusal guards are the #1 recommended course of treatment to help with TMJ pain and bruxism; did you know they can also protect your implant cases?
Want to make the switch to Digital Dentures? Interested in taking better scans? Paramount Dental Studio has compiled tips and tricks from the world’s leading scanning companies so your Digital Dentures fit correctly and comfortably
Copy Dentures are new dentures, based on patients’ existing dentures. While they can be an exact copy of the old ones, they are often modified to fit better after years of wear.
Paramount Dental Studio’s Partial Dentures provide a strong and aesthetic way to replace missing teeth – often in just 2 appointments...
At Paramount Dental Studio, we expanded our removable offerings to include a full suite of denture products. Our digital dentures are as strong and aesthetic as traditional dentures, yet they require half as many appointments...
At Paramount Dental Studio, our Removables meet all your practice's needs. As a leader in digital dentistry, we offer Full and Partial Dentures, Occlusal Guards, and Retainers. Our products blend digital and traditional workflows while providing maximum durability and aesthetics.
Paramount Dental Studio has a full suite of occlusal guards to fit your patients’ bruxism, TMJ, and protection needs.
Scanning for implants can be tricky. At Paramount, we have experts to help guide you through the process. Follow these tips to ensure all your implants seat perfectly…
Paramount has several add-ons and services you may not know about that can help you take your lab work to the next level. Interested in learning more?
Want to give your patients that wow factor every time? Try using Smile Design, the method to test how a patient’s new smile will look with a digital image and a physical try-in.
Poor retraction is responsible for more remakes than any other single issue. Whether scanning or taking a physical impression, tissue displacement is essential to properly seating restorations.
One of the most consistent and successful retraction techniques is the dual cord technique, also known as the double cord technique.
Despite what the name implies, digital dentures can be fabricated from both a physical impression or a scan– the digital component comes in at the design stage. Using CAD technology and top-of-the-line Carbon M3 3D printers, the digital design method opens the door for any type of customization.
Are your patients showing signs of wear? Bruxism? Thermoformed night guards are quickly becoming a treatment of the past and the often-prescribed occlusal guard is getting an upgrade thanks to breakthroughs in 3D printing technology.
How does Paramount Dental Studio deliver consistent shade matching? Matching a tooth to a specific shade seems simple enough. Well, unfortunately, the same shade can actually look different depending on the lighting conditions.
When it comes to 3D printing, the printer you use matters. Have you ever received a crown that fits on the model, but not in the patient’s mouth? It isn’t necessarily because of a bad scan or impression. One cause could be the 3D printer used to printer the master model.
Not all implants have the same torque specifications and it’s important to know which one is the right one to use. Instead of having to memorize, look up, or track down this information, we wanted to compile it in one place for an easy reference.
A simple switch could make all the difference between a crown that drops in and a remake. Check out Dr. Stanley’s video for this little-known but extremely powerful tool on your scanner.
When you hear artificial intelligence (A.I.), what’s the first thing that comes to mind? RoboCop, self-driving cars, smart fridges that reorder milk before you run out?
... How about dentistry?
Although gold was always touted as being very "biocompatible" and used with gold inlays that go subgingival, it should not be used in implant restorations. This is because gold was shown in a 2008 dog study to have an apical shift of the barrier epithelium and marginal bone after being left in place for several weeks.